First thing I need to say is sorry for this post but everyone is talking him, so I might as well tell the truth about it, for all of you who are listening to the crap that people are putting out.
FIRST, he is now a catholic, so he does not care about a thing, regrets are something that they never have, they go to confession, tell it all to the priest, and its all gone, no worries no problem.
Remember the IRA is catholic, never seen a priest hand over a bomber or a child killer, or a molester (Wait a minute that is the priest). Nope, because when you go to confession, its all forgiven. So asking TB if he regrets anything? You must have some sort of mental block if you think he is going to say yes to that.
Second, TB is a professional politician. Like 80% of them in the house now. They have been taught politics. Not experienced lifting a box, changing the brakes on a car, doing an oil change in the driveway. Never worked a Till given change, cut a plank of wood. Changed a tap or put up a Ikea whatever.
They have no idea of what the world is, or how to work within it, they have no idea how 60% of people live.
Now, I speak from experience, when you go to university for political courses, you are taught, pretty much, how to be a good white collar criminal, it teaches you how to get away with every little thing possible, all in the guise of negotiating which is pretty much what being a good politician is all about, give and take and management. It teaches you that sometimes being weak allows you to be strong and get what you want, in the case of where I spent my time, it taught you how to keep two sets of books.
Tony, is a pro. If you offered him a few bucks and peace in the middle east, if he killed 10 people to save 100, the first words of out his mouth would be, do you want me to strangle them? He does not care, he sees goals, thats it. Dead people mean nothing, a few bucks in his pocket and the overall goal, in his case being on the international stage making big bucks, was his goal from the start, the fact he has distroyed peoples lives, well I went to confessional so what does that matter.
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