Sunday, 10 January 2010

Parents told.....

Right, I am on board here, something must be done about this....

I think we need to have everyone vetted before they do anything, even having a child, we must make sure they know exactly what they are doing and have a history of having children and no child abuse before we allow them to have children.

These parents must be checked before they take their children to the loo. As they will be in a confined space with a child in a room that generally only has one way in and one way out, the odds are this will increase child abuse cases, so CRB checks all around.

Any single mothers must be checked and kept way from any other man, because men are bad, look at how she has been left, single and with a child.

I think I might volunteer, as I think as a man I should be locked away, just because there is a chance, while I might not know it yet, there might be a chance I maybe a child molester and there for it would be better off for the world and the country if I was locked away.

Come on MEN lets admit it, we are bad and may well hurt people, we must accept this and give ourselves up now for the sake of all mankind (oops sorry),all kind.

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