Tuesday 18 October 2011

Time for the question to be asked.

It is time for the questions to be asked on Europe.

What the reporters need to do is simple, the second they get the standard response, "We can not leave Europe they are our greatest trading partner." The reporter needs to question this with, "So, are you saying if we left Europe all trade with Europe would cease to be?"

The business in Europe buying Widgets from a UK Firm would suddenly and inexplicably find another source for these Widgets and we would be left high and dry without anyone to sell to?

Also, in the reverse, the firm in the UK which is purchasing Widgets from Europe would suddenly find that they could no longer purchase them because the European firm has suddenly found another source to sell their items to so will no longer sell anything to the UK?

These questions need to be asked.

These questions are never asked.

I have no idea why these questions are never asked, as a one time business owner, now back to working for someone else, I find it funny that these questions are never asked.

Anyone, when questioned about Europe starts off with the, they are our greatest trading partner, bit but they never get pushed to explain why that would stop if we left Europe.

We want Trade, we want Trade with out Barriers. We want a http://www.naftanow.org/

We want Trade, but other than that it would be nice to manage our own rules and laws.

I fail to see why we can not have a Trade only agreement.

Please, Please, explain this to me.

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