Tuesday, 25 October 2011

An open letter to David Cameron

Dear Prime Minister,

I would like to remind you of one word for which you should stand for and be willing to die for. One word for which you have sent people to their deaths.


noun, plural -cies.
government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a freeelectoral system.
a state having such a form of government: The United Statesand Canada are democracies.
a state of society characterized by formal equality of rightsand privileges.
political or social equality; democratic spirit.
the common people of a community as distinguished fromany privileged class; the common people with respect totheir political power.

The will of the people in your country is for a referendum on Europe. This is something that ever party in power has promised and yet denied the voters. First with the idea that a constitution which becomes named a treaty is entirely different, yet simple phrase searches would define the document to be 90% the same.

Second, it was too late, yet hold the referendum would have shown Europe how we feel and demonstrated that  the people of the United Kingdom should be treated with respect.

Sadly you have nothing but feeble excuses. They are our largest trading partner is the worst. Trade would not stop it could not stop. They do not have a larger market waiting else where for their goods, nor do we, and to constantly attempt to deceive the general public with this LIE is belittling of yourself and politics in general.

Now is not the right time. This is almost as feeble, currently they are in a serious crises which threatens their currency, for our support they would willingly return various laws and powers to us. You could even Pay for the return of them. While in the short term people might be upset, when the burden is lifted from businesses who want to move forward and invest they would easily forgive what you would have to give.

You stand up and say that you will renegotiate, you will repatriate powers, but we have not seen you do anything other than upset Nicolas Sarkozy and have him telling you he has had enough, and what happens, what is your response? Nothing.

Now when the people ask you respond with a 3 line whip against what the people want, and you threaten your own with the removal of their jobs, you will destroy their careers. 

I say to you, and your "loyal for a job" party members. You have lost mine, and thousands of others votes. We pledge now and for always to Never Vote Tory again.

UKIP, Independent, any small party for whom that one single word, Democracy, means something.

I offer you one chance, a chance that president Obama took. Find yourself a plumber, and simple have a debate with him, not someone "specially selected" as you always have with your audiences, just pick a name out of a phone book and sit down and see how they feel about the direction of this country.

I don't think you'd have clue of what to do.

You are an embarrassment to this parliament and to this once great country.

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