Thursday, 22 April 2010

Going green, this is it, science has lied to us, they still believe...

Here we go, they are all going to make out that if we stopped flying from london to Scotland then this country would be green, that just leads me to ask, do they read anything?


  1. Helping the carers. Right in Reading the majority of people who are working in Care are people from Poland, people who do not speak english.

    How us someone who us 80 going to tell someone they do not feel well when their carer is someone who does not speak english?

    When the care agencies bus people over from poland to fill their care agency with people who will work for minimum wage?

    What about making sure that the people who are working are those who have the right skills and are not just cheap labour?

  2. When you TAX people you take money out of the economy, or is that in correct?

    IF I stop a tax increase then isn't that leaving money in the economy?

  3. What is the cap, what is the number, dave keeps walking into that one.

    it is not just those from outside the euro zone, it is people from within the euro zone we want to stop. we want to stop the bus loads on polish people coming over and working here and keeping minimum wage.
