Saturday, 20 March 2010

Question time

I hear someone talking about there is too much tax avoidence and it wakes me up because what is the first question that comes to mind? How to catch them? No in my mind it goes like this, first of all I would bet it is being raised by some one who lives off the state so has never had to pay tax other than on her cigs and booze but second of all, tax avoidence gets higher the higher the tax gets. Its pretty simple really you tax people too much and they work out how to avoid it a la the mps and capital gains, it was and is tax avoidence, if not then surely they would gladly hand over a check it is only a few grand. Opps that's a lot of money it seems.

Until you have paid tax at the higher rate you will always think tax avoiders should be crushed.

Lower taxes and more people pay and those with more will buy more and guess what? Pay more too!

The problem is the english are too stupid to figure this simple truth out. The richer you are the more you spend thus the more tax you pay.  Taking half of it at source will only force them to hide it and keep it away from the tax man.

As I have always said, education has been failing in this country for 30 years we are now run by the idiots we asked for and the next lot regardless of who is in the big seat will be worse...

-- I sent this from my 3 mobile --

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