Monday 16 August 2010

Mentally ill

With my recent experience, those people who are on Prozac should be monitored, and watched for when the come off their pills.

My recent relationship with a woman on Prozac fell apart when she stopped taking her pills because she felt she could handle it, and from there it turned into one long running nightmare.

She was entirely unable to deal with the smallest problem, and could not see beyond herself.

Narcissism is the personality trait of egotism, vanity, conceit, or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others.
The name "narcissism" was coined by Freud after a Greek myth about a pathologically self-absorbed young man. Freud believed that some narcissism is an essential part of all of us from birth Andrew P. Morrison claims that, in adults, a reasonable amount of healthy narcissism allows the individual's perception of his needs to be balanced in relation to others.

I have never met someone who so truely denotes the above until now. To this minute she now asks me for money, but will not talk to me, nore will she allow me to call her. It must be done via text message, and  email. Everything is a problem for her, and it must be fixed by someone else, because if it was not for this other person she would, of course, be fine and without error.

Being put upon in this way tears me up, because I am a pretty caring person, regardless of what you read here, I loved her, she is fully aware of this, and knows that she can use this to gain whatever she wants, and this is money.

Today I took a stand, one which hurt me beyond all pain I have ever felt before, and I am now drinking again, but that will not last too long. I have said no, if all I am to her is a bank machine, then I guess I have to draw the line.

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