Saturday, 2 April 2011

Crime and Punishment

Prisons must be tougher, says survey

The Coalition's law and order policies have failed to win public backing,according to a major new survey which found widespread support for tougher punishments. 

 Now I know it isn't the right thing to say, but... Its got to be said.

1 - You make the police go after those who do crime, not chase after people for swearing or taking babies away from mothers, no. When someone reports a break in, police go, and show up. (My experience, this is a direct quote, "its a waste of our time and yours) Gee, its only my laptop and I can see the finger prints on the window. Never saw the police.

I know businesses in my area that have received the same response, yet... Someone makes a complaint against them, and the police are out of breath for an easy target.

Again, its an english thing, lazy to the last.

2 - Jail time, means jail time, speed up the courts, run them all night if need be, they get paid well enough, and keep it going.

3 - Lets do this 3 strikes and your out stuff, enough crimes and its jail for life.

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