Thursday, 3 March 2011

The Earth could be on the brink of the sixth mass extinction in history, claim scientists.

The Sixth mass extinction?

If we are to believe this is right, then all the Green save the earth people are going to start wanting us to kill ourselves because we must save the animals, we have to have all those frogs, spiders and those monkeys are the most important things on this planet.

Do you not find it amazing the way everything runs on fear. Think about it. If your in a business that means that you need to use a ladder, you have to spend £100 to get taught how to use on. Thats right folks in this country you need to get a little bit of paper before you know how to use a ladder. Even if its been what you have been doing for 20 or 30 years, now, if you don't have it you can not climb up it.

Health and safty is all about scaring you, making you afraid of doing something, because then you have no chance of hurting yourself.

This only means that the idiots are not killing themselves off, and are living off the dole and breeding like there is no tomorrow, because lets face it, they know they are too stupid to climb a ladder and when you get paid to stay at home you might as well beat your wife and get her to pop out a child or two or a dozzen.

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