Sunday, 30 August 2009

So far so right...

So, as we read about how MP are now begining to come around to the view that they really should be able to do what they want, because the BBC is going to stand up for the idea that we public should not be told where and what their money is being spent on.

I find myself laughing.

The English are proving themselves as stupid as ever and are going to swallow whatever their MPs say, and the BBC will get away with doing whatever it likes.

Now, how do you feel about paying a license fee that enables the BBC to provide a Free TV station to the middle east.

How about all that Internet Content that you pay for, and they give away for Free?

People in the USA can watch BBC TV and not pay a dime. Yet, if you don't pay, they come down on you like a ton of bricks.

Wait a minute, if you want Sky TV, you have to Pay the BBC, but its via a Satellite, couldn't you turn off the BBC and thus get away with not paying the license fee?

Here is a free idea for Sky. Give people the option, with or without the BBC, and when you do the install disable the TV from receiving signals from anything othat that the Satellite, then surely the BBC could not force people to pay the license fee.

I for one never watch the BBC, if I want honest news I go else where, why watch the labour driven BBC?

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